Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Old campaign stunts never die, or even fade away

I don’t know why I still go to Drudge Report; Newswer is more fun, and has more dinosaur stories. It seems every time I’m there I find a story that pisses me off. Since Ann Coulter has a new book out, he’s been linking to a whole lot of shit. Well, today was no different, as Drudge linked to seven infuriating sentences.

Seriously, Joe the Plumber is going to be a war correspondent? On one hand, I suppose this is good for him, as maybe he’ll get around to paying his back taxes. But other than that, I don’t see how anyone is going to benefit from this.

Joe says that he wants to let “Israel’s Average Joe’s share their story.” I can only presume that he said Average Joe rather than Joe Six-Pack because he’s unsure of how many bottle of manishewitz come in a case.

But seriously, what possible qualifications could this guy have to serve as a war correspondent? I understand that he’s a staunch supporter of Israel, but that doesn’t mean he knows, well, anything. Is he going to tie this conflict to the Six Day War, or how the Oslo Accords have pretty much let Israel isolate the Gaza Strip?

It’s clearly not ok that Hamas just lobs rockets into Israel whenever they feel like it, and refuse to acknowledge that Israel even has a right to exist. And by sending tanks into civilian areas Israel is clearly blowing past all possible chance of keeping its response proportionate. There’s so much going on here, and there has been for years, that I think the public deserves a better war correspondent than Joe the Plumber, one who is able to decipher some of the subtleties of the situation and not merely spout right-wing hate rhetoric.

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