Monday, January 26, 2009

We're gonna have to work on our communication

The RAF just locked up the 2009 award for ballsiest decision ever, and it’s only January. But seriously, what could possibly beat this? For the link-opposed, the story says that dating back to the 1980s RAF pilots have on several occasions have been given orders to shoot down UFOs. While you pick your jaw up, I’ll repeat that. RAF pilots have tried to shoot down UFOs.

So far, the RAF has been unsuccessful in its attempts. However, recent weapons developments have given some guy named Mr. Pope, who spent 21 years in the Ministry of Defense, hope that eventually humans will be able to blow those aliens sons of bitches out of the sky.

While the public stance of the MoD is that UFOs don’t pose any danger to the public, that’s obviously garbage. They’re aliens! They’re probably trying to kill us and steal our planet. Plus, if we shoot one down we can probably steal all the alien technology. I would go to outerspace in a rebuilt UFO, doesn’t matter to me. Anyway, in closing, I support the RAF’s efforts to shoot down UFOs; we should show them that we won’t go down easily before we fall into a situation like this:

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