Friday, May 29, 2009

Thumbs 9: One Thumb Short of the Most Awkward Double-Fisted Handshake Ever

Thumbs Up to the Orlando Magic. Though they stumbled in Game 5, they are causing enough, hysterical strife for all the loud-mouth Cavs band wagoners to make me happy. And my bet is that they're exponentially increasing the chances that Lebron is a Knick in 2010.

Thumbs down to these Ass-Hats
Cocksuckers want any movie with smoking in it to be rated R, as they might incite youth smoking. At the same time, why don't we rate any movies that show children being lazy as NC-17 and burn any movies that blaspheme.

Thumbs Up: Terminator Salvation. Infinitely better than the third installment despite the lack of nearly naked robot-women. It's so satisfying to finally stop pussy-footing around the actual war with machines and see Christian Bale put a bullet in a metal skull.

Thumbs Down: Work After a Long Weekend. I don't care that it was only four days in “actual time,” it sure felt like a regular week of getting poked in the eye by beaurocracy. The miserable weather didn't help anything, but sources report that that, at least, will change in the next couple days.

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