Monday, May 18, 2009

America lives to fight another day...

During the first episode of this season of 24, I confidently predicted that Jack Bauer would die. I quickly began to doubt myself, but resisting the urge to backpedal, I told one of my roommates of my prediction and let it simmer.

Weeks passed and I said nothing. I couldn't fully believe that a network show would betray every guideline of cookie-cutter writing and kill off the series protagonist (in a still-viable series), but I didn't rescind my prediction.

And then, months into the season, things began to fall into place.

There was a biological pathogen. There was confirmed exposure. There were seizures. There was the refusal to attempt experimental treatments. There were the tearful goodbyes.

And then, there was the curtain. And the assertion from that dumb bitch Kim that she would defy her father's wishes. And there was also the research of my shrewd roommate who pointed out that Keifer Sutherland had been signed to a three-year contract last year worth $40M.

So that brings the tally to:

Rupert Murdoch- 1
My failed attempts at clairvoyance- 0

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