Friday, February 13, 2009

Update: Lincoln still cool, dead

Some pretty cool stuff happened to commemorate Lincoln's birthday over the last few days. Obama gave a great speech, they had flower-laying ceremonies at his grave, the state of Illinois collectively ejaculated, and you can't count the number of articles that have been written about him. Speaking of which, do you know that only 2 people have more books written in English about them than Lincoln? And those two people are Jesus and Shakespeare. That's a pretty ballin' top 3.

But something else happened for Lincoln's birthday: they re-opened Ford's Theatre.

Now if you were Abraham Lincoln, and you were able to rise from the grave just for the ceremonies marking the 200th anniversary of your birth I'd have to imagine you'd have mixed feelings about this. Flowers at your grave? Touching. Speeches in your honor (used to wield power over an impending vote ahem ahem)? Great. Visiting the site of your unexpected and gruesome death? Not as much fun. "But Abe, we'll be reading your speeches and reciting some of your work! You have to be there!"

"No, I think I'll take a rain-check on this one," reincarnate Abe would likely say. "Still have a bad taste in my mouth from the last time."

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