Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thumbs Anyone?

Thumbs up: Sarah Palin. She gave her big speech in Hong Kong this week. I don't know what she was blathering on about. I'm sure she sounded very smart. But she managed to give the entire speech without saying "death panel" once. I feel like this is her first step, albeit a very, very small one, towards respectability. But it probably isn't.

Thumbs down: The Ukraine. They won't let Elton John and his partner adopt an HIV-positive baby. That's fucked up. If we, as a global community, will let Nadya Suleman have eight kids, we can't not let Elton John have at least one.

Thumbs Up: Motherfuckin' football season is here! As a Mets fan, this football season feels like the first time they served beer after Prohibition ended. And it seems like it's going to be a pretty good season, too, what with all the last second finishes and shittiness of the Cowboys.
Thumbs down: The Yankees being back in the playoffs. How awesome was it last year when the Yankees weren't in the playoffs? Weren't we all happier, even for just a few days? Well now that's over. And worse yet - - the Yankees are really fuckin' good this year.

Thumbs Up: New Thursday night TV. The Office has always been outstanding. New comers Parks and Recreation (recently featuring Amy Poehler rapping 'Parents Just Don't Understand') and Community (simultaneously funny and insulting to each and every student pursuing their Associate's) are solid. Add 30 Rock's triumphant return this week and cap it all off with a little It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and there's really no reason to leave the couch or associate with actual people on Thursday.

Thumbs Down: Commuting during the school year. It now takes me 15 minutes to drive through a neighborhood that should logically take less than one. The weird thing is, I don't even see that many buses on the road. It's the cops who have nothing better to do than guard our crosswalks and stay at home parents who won't wait an extra hour before running errands that kill me. Nothing rips the soul out through your eye sockets quite like sitting through the same traffic light three times.

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